Last Updated on August 9, 2023

Food shortage is an event that we all can assume its existence, especially when the white meats are above our purchasing ability. So, what is the new alternative to random white meats?

Rabbit meat is one of the most efficient meat that the world can ever imagine. It has more nutrients than any other white meat available in the market. And, a rabbit recipes French makes the meat more outstanding than chicken.

Since, rabbit meat meets all the potential criteria of meat that can lead a healthier life, we must know how to prepare such a delicacy. Moreover, the rapid reproduction system that rabbits hold, can help to fight against the food shortage issue.


Rabbit Recipes French, How To Prepare The Meal To Obtain All The Meat Properly

Whatever comes from France is French. And French aspects always serve the best. Similar to any other, the rabbit recipes from France are one of the best recipes around the world.

If you are eager to maximize the taste of rabbit meat, follow one of the recipes and the instructions.

White Wine Braised Rabbit

The mostly consumed recipe that people love to eat is the White Wine Braised Rabbit. A similar recipe also goes with chicken and pork. But today, we shall talk about rabbits. Without further delay, let’s jump into the core.


There are several ingredients that we must have in our kitchen before we start to bake a rabbit in a French way.

  1. Firstly, a small-sized rabbit must not exceed 3.5 pounds.
  2. Salt.
  3. Pepper.
  4. Vegetable oil, 3 tablespoons.
  5. 1 cup flour. All-purpose flour is the ideal choice.
  6. 1 onion (diced, not chopped).
  7. 1 cup of white wine.
  8. 2 cups of chicken broth.
  9. Grained mustard (1 tablespoon)
  10. Thyme branch (2 – 3)
  11. Half cup cream.
  12. Lastly, 1 pound pasta.


Here comes the portion to enlighten you with the easiest rabbit-cooking recipe. Follow the instructions carefully and enjoy your meal within 2 hours.

  1. Firstly, cut the whole rabbit into small pieces. A 3-pound rabbit must be cut into 8 pieces. After that, put all the pieces in a bowl and mix with salt and pepper. You have to be gentle and wear set hand gloves to avoid the side effects of pepper.
  2. Secondly, put the oil in an oven. Before that, heat the oven by applying 375 degree Fahrenheit. And the saucepan must have a heavy layered bottom.
  3. On a wide plate or tray, put the flour and rabbit meat pieces. Mix the ingredients well. Now, allow the excess flour to get off and set the pieces in the saucepan where hot oil is bubbling. Moreover, you use extra olive oil if you desire some more aromas in the meat.
  4. Now, regulate the heat of the over. Don’t let the meat pieces become brown within a short time. Pay heat for 4 to 5 mins on each side of the meat and the meat pieces will be brown gently.
  5. Now, keep the mild-fried rabbit meat in another bowl. And in that hot oil, put the diced onion and mix some salt and pepper. Stir the diced onion until it becomes a light brown color.
  6. After the onion dices are brown, add the white wine and turn the heat low. Otherwise, the heat may interrupt the wine’s characters. After that,  add the sauce and mustard paste.
  7. Add the rabbit meat pieces in the sauce and thyme. Stir the whole meat pieces and cover it with a lid. Let it cook for 1.5 hours.
  8. Again apart the meat pieces from the saucepan and add the cream to that pan. It will thicken the sauce and a creamy texture will be visible.
  9. Lastly, add the meat pieces to the saucepan where the thick cream is there, and add the boiled pasta. After that, stir it well for 5 to 7 mins.

And your white wine braised chicken is ready to serve.

Benefits Of French Recipes To Our Health

There are plenty of recipes for enjoying rabbit meat. Yet, we suggest French-style cooking. There are enormous reasons behind it.

  1. First, the taste is authentic and distinguished from others.
  2. Secondly, French recipes keep the iron raw which exists in meat.
  3. Most importantly, French recipes serve more vitamins than other recipes.


What is the best cooking method for rabbits?

Answer: If you are looking for a recipe that stands out of the crowd, french recipes are the best. It will demonstrate the authentic taste of the rabbit meat and keep the proteins unharm.

What is the most popular rabbit dish?

Answer: There are so many names that are not behind one another in the race of taste. Some of the most consumed rabbit dishes are Coniglio Alla Ligure, civet de lapin, rabbit satay, wine braised rabbit, and many more.

What is the French name for rabbit meat?

Answer: If we translate rabbit into French, the name will come to Lapin.


Around the globe, most people love to eat rabbit meat as a source of protein in the current times. There are plenty of recipes besides Rabbit Recipes French. Since chicken is becoming expensive today, there is a bright future for rabbit meat.

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